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中国.浙江盛博电子有限公司成立于1993年,座落在温州市瓯海经济开发区东方路215号。公司现有员工近千人,占地面积12000平方米,有3条线路板生产流水线和10条组装、调试流水线,生产能力为50000台/天,实现年产值超亿元。   本公司是一家集科研开发、生产、销售于一体的专业电子电器公司,是中国大陆环保型自发电类产品的龙头厂商。公司生产的车用、家用、旅行用、急救用电子电器产品,款式新颖、品种齐全、功能独特、方便实用。   本公司生产的车用、家用、旅行用、急救用电子电器电筒产品,款式新颖、品种齐全、功能独特、方便实用.公司拥有先进的生产、检测设备,日生产各种电子电器产品20000余台.公司设有专业的产品研发部门,从事开发工作的高中级技术人员有五十余名,每年自主开发几十种新产品,多数产品拥有自主知识产权和多项专利,并获CE、3C、JET等认证.公司通过ISO9000国际质量体系认证,并实行5S等先进的管理模式,设有专门的品质管理机构,配有各种先进的仪器,采用现代化检验检测方法,严格检测、监控产品质量.公司生产的产品热销世界各地,特别是欧美、日本、韩国等国家,公司还可承接OEM、ODM订单.为广大客商提供快捷优质的服务是公司的一贯方针,广大客商的满意是公司的最终目标。   为了更好的满足广大客商的需求,公司正在不断的扩大规模,提高自身的研发能力;望有意向的客商来电咨询为了更好的满足广大客商的需求,公司正在不断的扩大规模,提高自身的研发能力;望有意向的客商来电来函咨询合作,共谋发展。 China.Zhejiang Shengbo Electronic Co., Ltd. a professional manufacturer of the selfgenerating products and environmental friendly products has an international reputation for quality and innovation. It has highlyexperienced and qualified personnel with a wealth of background and practical knowledge in developing and selling its products. A dedicated R&D team gives the ability to provide its expanding customer a diverse range of innovativeproducts with latest technology ranging from emergency mobile phone charger, solar charger tomulti-functional flashlight etc.Our products sell well in domestic market and oversea markets,such as USA, EU and Asian etc. recent years. We do OEM and ODM with our clients. Constant updatingof technology and equipment ensures a quality product. Our success is based upon the ability to develop and maintain personal contact with our customersoffer in them a rapid response to all enquiries, and providing a level and quality of service unsurpassedthroughout the Industry.   Certification to ISO 9001:2000. CE, JET, CCC ,ROHS,FCC certification together with numerous prestigious contractsare testament to the companys performance in attaining its objectives.
电话:86-0577-28856989 传真86-0577-28857227